Hey my People,
It is I, once again… sorry it has been so long. According to
my doc I am supposed to restrict my computer time…. And my eyes and brain
agree. BUT… I could not pass up the opportunity to let you guys know about my latest
BzzCampaign. The Schick Hydro Silk razor. First, the normal information:
I got to try the Schick Hydro Silk razor for FREE for being
a BzzAgent. All I have to do is spread the good (sometimes not so good) word on
the product.
Now, on to the good stuff.
Every girl knows that when it comes to having smooth, silky
legs, not just any razor will do. I have always been a fan of Schick razors and
have used my pretty pink Schick Quatro for years, so I jumped at the chance to
try the Schick Hydro Silk. I will admit, I experimented with Venus Razors
before and I wasn’t too horribly impressed, and would always run quickly back
to my Schick.
What makes the Schick Hydro Silk different? The Hydro Silk
has five independently supported blades
that help hug your curves and makes it easier to shave around one’s ever so
difficult ankles. Also, there are no big moisture bars like the Venus does.
Instead, it has water activated moisturizing serum that is dermatologist tested
to work with all skin types, even sensitive skin like mine.
The downside… even with the water activated moisturizing serum,
I would suggest that you still use a shave gel. And…… that is about it.
Anyway, I suggest that you give’er a try. And to make it a
little bit easier financially, like Schick Hydro Silk on Facebook to get a $4
off coupon at this link:
That is it for now, dear friends. My eyes are telling me
that it is time to stop starting at this screen.